Reveal of my 2014 Vision Board, and Thoughts on 2013

The New Year is here, and I’m delighted! It means I will be increasing my energy towards becoming a better, more evolved, community minded, spiritual, generous, and grateful person.  No small task, but a vision board always helps me set out with intention and creativity!

A link to my old Vision Board video and tutorial for those who are new to the fun art of vision boards!

I was humbled and thankful when items on my 2013 board came true. In January, “Travel” was on the board.  Little did I know then, that we would drive more than 10,000 miles over the course of the summer (follow our journey and view our stops here). “Culture” was also there, and photos and clippings of beautiful dancers.  I was reminded of this as we enjoyed several live dance performances this year.  “Love” and “Parenting” also had a home on the board, and so much growth took place in both areas this year.  “Give” was also there, and my schedule now includes a loving dose of volunteering, which has become a part of my weekly routine, after years of dreaming about it. In many ways, 2013 was an exhilarating, stretching and yes, exhausting year (being honest).  There were trips of a lifetime and big, scary leaps of faith.  People thought we may be crazy.  Family was worried at times.  But, it all came together, and it wasn’t by accident. It should be no surprise that my word for 2013 was “Authentic”.

I also have to share something wonderfully peculiar that happened with my 2013 board. I’d created various painted words to include in the vision board session I shared with Alesya at Spacecraft Studios, two of which were “Finances” and “Career”.  Those pieces of painted paper must have slipped out of my folder and onto the floor before I left to meet her, and I didn’t notice.  Weeks later, I came across the two slips of paper and paused for a long moment.  I decided in that moment to glue “Finances” to the board, but to set “Career” aside.  I wasn’t quite sure why, but I was going with a feeling.  Since that time, we worked through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace material, and after 5 years, will be making our last car payment.  Holy moly. My work-from-home consulting work was steady but not top priority this year, which was just what was needed.

My 2014 Vision Board:
I was so in awe of the power of intention, prayer and putting things on paper as I created my 2014 vision board.

desire-mapAs I was working on this board, Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map was on my mind.  You see, I’d poured through Danielle’s e-book as we drove cross-country over the summer. Sometimes I’d read excerpts to the whole crew. Danielle talks about going after a core desired feeling, and then taking daily steps to get there. It’s goal setting, turned upside down.

Here’s to 2014! Click image to expand if you want to see closer up 🙂

I was excited and a bit surprised looking at what my 2014 board (above) did (and didn’t) contain.  Art, Reading, Travel, and Meditation all had a home.  So did “be an artist” above the words “success”.  Scary.  A nice big, “Give Back” was there, and so were “Superfoods”.  “Health” and “Workout Reboot,” and “Craft” and “Into the Woods” and “Flow” are also stuck to the board, which is actually a watercolor I created in shades of green, red and orange.  I also love “Reading is a way for me to expand my mind, open my eyes, and fill up my heart.” Yes, that. Next, I’ll be creating a few additional thoughts and phrases centered around family to add to the board in pockets of love.

I’d love to see your goals, word of the year and vision boards for 2014! Comment below, tweet me @lauracatherineo or Facebook me

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Happy New Year,


P.S. Since this post is a bit of looking back over 2013 and looking ahead to 2014, I wanted to share something I was able to create via Flipagram (This 30-second video using photos from my Instagram account). It’s overwhelming, in a good way, to look back at the travel, arts and crafty moments of the year.


One thought on “Reveal of my 2014 Vision Board, and Thoughts on 2013

  1. Pingback: Saying Goodbye to 2014: Celebrating Wins and Acknowledging Challenges |

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